Call it

Call it an other .....
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Monday, November 9, 2015
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Thursday, October 22, 2015
He who sends down the rains ....................
Bismillaheer Rahmaneer Raheem”
And [He created] the horses, mules and donkeys for you to ride and [as] adornment. And He creates that which you do not know.
And upon Allah is the direction of the [right] way, and among the various paths are those deviating. And if He willed, He could have guided you all. It is He who sends down rain from the sky; from it is drink and from it is foliage in which you pasture [animals].
He causes to grow for you thereby the crops, olives, palm trees, grapevines, and from all the fruits. Indeed in that is a sign for the people who give thought.
Al-Quran 16: 8 - 11
And [He created] the horses, mules and donkeys for you to ride and [as] adornment. And He creates that which you do not know.
And upon Allah is the direction of the [right] way, and among the various paths are those deviating. And if He willed, He could have guided you all. It is He who sends down rain from the sky; from it is drink and from it is foliage in which you pasture [animals].
He causes to grow for you thereby the crops, olives, palm trees, grapevines, and from all the fruits. Indeed in that is a sign for the people who give thought.
Al-Quran 16: 8 - 11
Sunday, October 18, 2015
He established Himself ............................
Bismillaheer Rahmaneer Raheem
Alif, Lam, Meem, Ra. These are the verses of the Book; and what has been revealed to you from your Lord is the truth, but most of the people do not believe.
It is Allah who erected the heavens without pillars that you [can] see; then He established Himself above the Throne and made subject the sun and the moon, each running [its course] for a specified term. He arranges [each] matter; He details the signs that you may, of the meeting with your Lord, be certain.
And it is He who spread the earth and placed therein firmly set mountains and rivers; and from all of the fruits He made therein two mates; He causes the night to cover the day. Indeed in that are signs for a people who thoughts.
-Al-Quran 13: 1 – 3
Kumar River
Kumar River an old river originates from the Mathabhanga at Hatboalia in Chuadanga district. Rennell depicted this river in his atlas prepared in 1764. The river was not much active at that time. Though the river overflows in monsoon, it turns almost dry in the lean period. The river was locally called as Kalobeel (Black coloured beel).The Kumar flows southeast from its origin keeping its course parallel to the nabaganga. Near Magura, the river meets with the Nabaganga and the joint flow keeping the name Nabaganga flows further south. Once upon a time, the Kumar received its major flow from the Kaliganga, Chhaku, Hanu, Muchikhali etc on its course. These are all offshoots of the gorai. The origin of the Kumar has been disconnected from the Nabaganga after commissioning of the ganges-kobadak irrigation project. As a result, the Kumar is now turned into a narrow channel. The only source of the river is excess water from the G-K project and local rainwater.
Beauty of Bangladesh
Thursday, October 15, 2015
All praises due to ....................
Bismillaheer Rahmaneer Raheem
[All] praise is [due] to Allah , who created the heavens and the earth and made the darkness and the light. Then those who disbelieve equate [others] with their Lord.
[All] praise is [due] to Allah , who created the heavens and the earth and made the darkness and the light. Then those who disbelieve equate [others] with their Lord.
It is He who created you from clay and then decreed a term and a specified time [known] to Him; then [still] you are in dispute.
And He is Allah , [the only deity] in the heavens and the earth. He knows your secret and what you make public, and He knows that which you earn.
And no sign comes to them from the signs of their Lord except that they turn away therefrom.
For they had denied the truth when it came to them, but there is going to reach them the news of what they used to ridicule.
Have they not seen how many generations We destroyed before them which We had established upon the earth as We have not established you? And We sent [rain from] the sky upon them in showers and made rivers flow beneath them; then We destroyed them for their sins and brought forth after them a generation of others. – Al-Quran 6: 1-6.
Fishing - Bangladesh
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Master of the Day .....................
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds;
Most Gracious, Most Merciful;
Master of the Day of
Thee do we worship, and
Thine aid we seek.
Show us the straight
The way of those on whom
Thou has bestwed Thy Grace,
those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.
– Al-Quran 1:
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
whosoever accepts the guidance ......
And upon Allah is the responsibility
to explain the Straight Path (i.e. Islamic Monotheism for mankind i.e. to show
them legal and illegal, good and evil things, etc. so, whosoever accepts the
guidance, it will be for his own benefit and whosoever goes astray, it will be
for his own destruction), but there are ways that turn aside (such as Paganism,
Judaism, Christianity, etc.). And had He willed, He would have guided you all
(mankind).- Al-Quran 16: 9
Nilachall - Bandarban
Nilgiri is one of the
tallest peaks and beautiful place in Bangladesh, Surrounded
by beautiful hilly natural
views and clouds most of the time. An esthetic place for
enjoying serenity with
ultimate relaxation away from city boredom. You will find
yourself in the embrace of
the clouds.

Friday, August 28, 2015
We have prepared ........................
Say, "The truth is from your Lord": Let him who will believe, and let him who will reject (it): for the wrong-doers(person who acts rather than theorizing) We have prepared a Fire whose (smoke and flames) like the walls and roof of a tent, will be confined them in: if they (beg earnestly for) relief they will be granted water like melted brass, that will scald their faces, how dreadful the drink! How uncomfortable a couch to recline on! (Al-Kahf-29)
Wildlife refers to the animals and related plants in a state of nature, or the species of fauna that are not domesticated or tame and are also indigenous to an area, region or range. The expression is relatively recent in origin dating to Richard Jefferies' 1879 work discussing the various animal species in the Wiltshire Downs in southern Britain. Jefferies insisted, “glance into the hedgerow, the copse, or stream,” and “there" you find "nature’s children as unrestrained in their wild, free life as they were in the …backwoods of primitive England.” The term wildling is much older, however, as is wildness from which wildlife is derivative, being used for example by William Shakespeare to refer to those qualities of living things not under the influence or control of humans. Charles Darwin when referring to artificial selection... More »
The Sundarbans covers 10,000 km2 of land and water (more than half of it in India, the rest in Bangladesh) in the Ganges delta. It contains the world's largest area of mangrove forests. A number of rare or endangered species live in the park, including tigers, aquatic mammals, birds and reptiles.
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Who teaches her .................................
Hadith : Volum 1, Book 3, No. 97.
Narrated Abu Burda's father:
Allah's Apostle said "Three persons will have a
double reward:
1. A Person from the people of the scriptures who
believed in his
(Jesus or Moses) and then believed in the Prophet Muhammad
(SWS) (i
.e. has embraced Islam).
2. A slave who discharges his duties to Allah and
his master.
3. A master of a woman-slave who teaches her good
manners and educates her in
the best
possible way (the religion) and manumits her and then marries her."
Wildlife refers to the animals
and related plants in a state of nature, or the species of fauna that are not
domesticated or tame and are also indigenous to an area, region or range. The
expression is relatively recent in origin dating to Richard Jefferies' 1879
work discussing the various animal species in the Wiltshire Downs in southern
Britain. Jefferies insisted, “glance into the hedgerow, the copse, or stream,”
and “there" you find "nature’s children as unrestrained in
their wild, free life as they were in the …backwoods of primitive England.” The
term wildling is much older, however, as is wildness from which wildlife is
derivative, being used for example by William Shakespeare to refer to those
qualities of living things not under the influence or control of humans.
Charles Darwin when referring to artificial selection... More »
The Sundarbans covers 10,000 km2 of land and water (more than half of
it in India, the rest in Bangladesh) in the Ganges delta. It contains the
world's largest area of mangrove forests. A number of rare or endangered
species live in the park, including tigers, aquatic mammals, birds and

Criterion : The Sundarbans is the largest area of mangrove forest in the world
and the only one that is inhabited by the tiger. The land area in the
Sundarbans is constantly being changed, moulded and shaped by the action of the
tides, with erosion processes more prominent along estuaries and deposition
processes along the banks of inner estuarine waterways influenced by the
accelerated discharge of silt from sea water. Its role as a wetland nursery for
marine organisms and as a climatic buffer against cyclones is a unique natural
Monday, August 17, 2015
Friday, August 14, 2015
When he heard .........................
The Hadith
Narrated By Al-Aswad bin Yazid : I asked 'Aisha "What did the Prophet(SWS) use to do at home?" She said, "He used to work for his family, and when he heard the Adhan (call for the prayer), he would go out."
Lalbagh Fort with Tank
Lalbagh Fort (also Fort Aurangabad) is an incomplete 17th century Mughal fort complex that stands proudly before the Buriganga River in the southwestern part of Dhaka, Bangladesh.[1] The construction was started in 1678 AD by Mughal Subahdar Muhammad Azam Shah who was son of Emperor Aurangzeb and later emperor himself. His successor, Shaista Khan, did not continue the work, though he stayed in Dhaka up to 1688.
Mughal prince Muhammad Azam, third son of Aurangzeb started the work of the fort in 1678 during his vice-royalty in Bengal. He stayed in Bengal for 15 months. The fort remained incomplete when he was called away by his father Aurangzeb.
Shaista Khan was the new subahdar of Dhaka in that time, and he did not complete the fort. In 1684, the daughter of Shaista Khan named Iran Dukht Pari Bibi died there. After her death, he started to think the fort as unlucky, and left the structure incomplete.[2] Among the three major parts of Lalbagh Fort, one is the tomb of Pari Bibi.
After Shaista Khan left Dhaka, it lost its popularity. The main cause was that the capital was moved from Dhaka to Murshidabad. After the end of the royal Mughal period, the fort became abandoned. In 1844, the area acquired its name as Lalbagh replacing Aurangabad, and the fort became Lalbagh Fort.[3]
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Summer Tanager
Summer Tanager
Summer Tanagers spend their winters in South America, so birdwatchers in the U.S. can expect these birds in the yard
only in spring, summer, and early fall. The all-red male (left) seems a strange partner to the all-over greenish-yellow female
(below left). They are unlikely to visit feeders but may come to moving water.
You'll find many more details about where this bird spends its winter, how it finds the way there, and how it knows when it's
time to return here for breeding in
Birds in the Yard Month by Month: What's There and Why, and How to Attract Those That Aren't.
“Bismillaheer Rahmanir Raheem”
And thy Lord creates whatever He pleases and chooses whomsoever He pleases.
It is not for them to choose. Glorified be Allah, and far is He above all that they associate with Him. And thy Lord knows what their breasts keep secret, and what they reveal. And He is Allah; there is no God but Allah. To Him belongs all praise in the beginning and the Hereafter. His is the judgment and to Him shall you be brought back. Say, ‘Tell me, if Allah make the night continue over you till the Day of rising from the dead, what God is there besides Allah(Sob:) who could bring you light? Will you not listen yet?’ Say, ‘Tell me, if Allah make the day continue over you till the Day of rising from the dead, what God is there besides Allah(Sob:) who could bring you a night wherein you could rest? Will you not then see yet?’ (Al-Quran, 28, 69–73)
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Green heron
Narrated By Abu Huraira(RA) The Prophet (SWS) said,
"The best alms is that which you give when you are rich, and you should
start first to support your dependants."
Narrated By Ali(RA) : Fatima(RA) went to the Prophet
complaining about the bad effect of the stone hand-mill on her hand. She heard
that the Prophet had received a few slave girls. But (when she came there) she
did not find him, so she mentioned her problem to 'Aisha(RA). When the Prophet(SWS)
came, 'Aisha(RA) informed him about that. 'Ali(RA) added, "So the Prophet(SWS)
came to us when we had gone to bed. We wanted to get up (on his arrival) but he
said, 'Stay where you are." Then he came and sat between me and her and I
felt the coldness of his feet on my abdomen. He said, "Shall I direct you to
something better than what you have requested? When you go to bed say 'Subhan
Allah' thirty-three times, 'Alhamdulillah' thirty three times, and ‘Allahu
Akbar' thirty four times, for that it is better for you than a servant."
The Green heron (Butorides
virescens) is a small heron.
It was long consider edconspecific with its sister species the striated heron (Butorides striata), and
together they were called "green-backed heron".
Birds of the nominate subspecies (no matter which taxonomic arrangement
is preferred) are extremely rare vagrants to western Europe; individuals from the Pacific coast
of North America may similarly stray as far as Hawaii.
Green Heron
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
May I inform you .............................
Narrated By 'Ali bin Abi
TalibRA) : Fatima came to the Prophet asking for a servant. He said, "May I
inform you of something better than that? When you go to bed, recite
"Subhan Allah' thirty three times, 'Alhamdulillah' thirty three times, and
'Allahu Akbar' thirty four times. 'All added, 'I have never failed to recite it
ever since." Somebody asked, "Even on the night of the battle of
Siffin?" He said, "No, even on the night of the battle of
Baltimore Orioles
It's the Baltimore oriole that most people think of as
"oriole," that brilliant orange and black bird named for the British
Baltimore family colors. It sits slightly larger than its cousin that, unlike
other orioles, wears dark russet, not orange. Baltimore females appear dressed
in a washed-out version of the male's plumage, but the orchard female sports a
delicately camouflaged yellow-green plumage.
Both build astonishing pendulous nests that sway gently in the breeze, although the Baltimore's nest is typically a bit longer.
The question everyone has, of course, is how does one attract orioles to the yard. While books say they readily come to fruit, especially halved oranges, and frequently feed at nectar feeders. It's wise to note, however, that only in spring do orioles dine on fruit and nectar. Later they switch to all protein--insects.
Both build astonishing pendulous nests that sway gently in the breeze, although the Baltimore's nest is typically a bit longer.
The question everyone has, of course, is how does one attract orioles to the yard. While books say they readily come to fruit, especially halved oranges, and frequently feed at nectar feeders. It's wise to note, however, that only in spring do orioles dine on fruit and nectar. Later they switch to all protein--insects.
Monday, July 27, 2015
The best alms ..............................
Narrated By Abu Huraira(RA) The Prophet (SWS) said, "The best alms is that which you give when you are rich, and you should start first to support your dependants."
Narrated By Ali(RA) : Fatima(RA) went to the Prophet complaining about the bad effect of the stone hand-mill on her hand. She heard that the Prophet had received a few slave girls. But (when she came there) she did not find him, so she mentioned her problem to 'Aisha(RA). When the Prophet(SWS) came, 'Aisha(RA) informed him about that. 'Ali(RA) added, "So the Prophet(SWS) came to us when we had gone to bed. We wanted to get up (on his arrival) but he said, 'Stay where you are." Then he came and sat between me and her and I felt the coldness of his feet on my abdomen. He said, "Shall I direct you to something better than what you have requested? When you go to bed say 'Subhan Allah' thirty-three times, 'Alhamdulillah' thirty three times, and ‘Allahu Akbar' thirty four times, for that it is better for you than a servant."
The Green heron (Butorides virescens) is a small heron of North and Central America. It was long consideredconspecific with its sister species the striated heron (Butorides striata), and together they were called "green-backed heron". Birds of the nominate subspecies (no matter which taxonomic arrangement is preferred) are extremely rare vagrants to western Europe; individuals from the Pacific coast of North America may similarly stray as far as Hawaii.
Friday, July 24, 2015
Good tidings ................................
Good Tidings
“Bismil-llaheer Rahmaneer Rahim”
A guidance and good tidings to those who would believe,Who observe Prayer and pay the Zakat, and have firm faith in the Hereafter.As to those who do not believe in the Hereafter, We have made their deeds appear beautiful to them, so they are wandering blindly.It is they who shall have a grievous torment, and they alone it is who shall be the greatest losers in the Hereafter. Sura Al-Naml, Aeyat 3 – 6
Kaptai Lake
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Kaptai Lake is a man made lake in south-eastern Bangladesh. It is located in the Kaptai Upazila under Rangamati Districtof Chittagong Division. The lake was created as a result of building the Kaptai Dam on the Karnaphuli River, as part of the Karnaphuli Hydro-electric project. The Kaptai Lake's average depth is 100 feet (30 m) and maximum depth is 490 feet (150 m).
Construction of the reservoir for the hydro-electric plant began in 1956 by the Government of then East Pakistan. As a result, 54,000 acres (220 km2) of farmland in the Rangamati District went under water and created the lake.
The hydro-electric project was funded by the United States. The project was finished in 1962. International Engineering Company and Utah International Inc. received the contract for construction of the dam. The dam is 670.8 meters long, and 54.7 meters high. The dam has a 745 feet (227 m) long spillway containing 16 gates. Through the spillway 5,250,000 cu ft/s (149,000 m3/s) of water can pass.
The land that went under water as a result of the dam construction, was 40% of the total arable land in the area. Along with that, 29 square miles (75 km2) of the Government-owned forest, and 234 square miles (610 km2) of other forest land went under water. About 18,000 families with a total of almost 100 thousand people were also displaced. The palace of the king of the Chakmas was also flooded and is now under water.Good tidings ..............
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
The Lake ................................
Kaptai Lake is a man made lake in south-eastern Bangladesh. It is located in the Kaptai Upazila under Rangamati Districtof Chittagong Division. The lake was created as a result of building the Kaptai Dam on the Karnaphuli River, as part of the Karnaphuli Hydro-electric project. The Kaptai Lake's average depth is 100 feet (30 m) and maximum depth is 490 feet (150 m).
Construction of the reservoir for the hydro-electric plant began in 1956 by the Government of then East Pakistan. As a result, 54,000 acres (220 km2) of farmland in the Rangamati District went under water and created the lake.
The hydro-electric project was funded by the United States. The project was finished in 1962. International Engineering Company and Utah International Inc. received the contract for construction of the dam. The dam is 670.8 meters long, and 54.7 meters high. The dam has a 745 feet (227 m) long spillway containing 16 gates. Through the spillway 5,250,000 cu ft/s (149,000 m3/s) of water can pass.
The land that went under water as a result of the dam construction, was 40% of the total arable land in the area. Along with that, 29 square miles (75 km2) of the Government-owned forest, and 234 square miles (610 km2) of other forest land went under water. About 18,000 families with a total of almost 100 thousand people were also displaced. The palace of the king of the Chakmas was also flooded and is now under water.
Kaptai Lake, Beautiful Bangladesh
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Eid-Ul-Fitr ................................
Eid ul-Fitr is observed over a three-day public holiday in Bangladesh. Educational institutions, banks and corporate offices usually remain closed for a week during this time. Bangladeshi observe the holiday by performing the obligatory Eid prayers on the morning of Eid, giving Zakat ul Fitr, and visiting friends and relatives. Popular customs also include ladies decorating one's hands with henna, dressing up in new clothes and having a good meal with family and friends.
All Muslims dress in the clothing(Panjabee, Pazama and other dress) and children also dressed with the colorful clothing and received gifts from their seniors on this day.
Eid-ul-Fitr is the first day of the Islamic month of Shawwal. It marks the end of Ramadan, which is a month of fasting and prayer. Many Muslims attend communal prayers, listen to a Khutba (sermon) and give zakat al-fitre (charity in the form of food) during Eid ul-Fitr.
Many Muslims attend communal prayers and listen to a Khutba or sermon on the first day of the month of Shawwal. These prayers are held outside or in large venues, such as ‘Eidgha’ Mosque and others open fields. Many Muslims may travel far to participate in these activities. Some communities organize different festivities, such as communal meals or events for children, on this day.
If a Muslim has not given zakat al-fitr during Ramadan, he or she can give this on Eid-al-Fitr. Zakat al-fitr is a form of charity consisting of a quantity of food, such as barley, dates, raisins or wheat flour, or its monetary equivalent given to the poor. Many Muslims may also prepare festive meals to share, wear new clothes, visit relatives and give presents or candy to children. Cards can also be sent, often featuring the words “Eid Mubbarak” (blessed Eid).
Monday, July 13, 2015
Whoever established ............................................
Muslims all over the world will begin celebrating Eid-ul-Fitre holiday marking the end of Ramdan in the next week. These last few days of Ramadan have special spiritual significance, as we seek the Night of Power and prepare for the end of this holy month.
Traditionally holds that the Night of Power is the night that the first revelation of the Quran was sent down to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. It is reported that the Prophet(SWS) said: "Whoever established prayers on the night of Qadr out of sincere faith and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven; and whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan out of sincere faith, and hoping for a reward from Allah, then all his previous sins will be forgiven."
Sadaqa Al-Fitr is a small amount of cash or kinds to be given in charity at the end of Ramadan, before completing the the holiday (Eid) prayers. Unlike ZAKAT, which is calculated annually as a percentage of extra wealth, the ‘SADAQA-AL-FITR’ is to be paid equally by every Muslim man, woman and child at the end of Ramadan to the poor people.
Beauty of Bangladesh - Bandarban
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Saturday, July 11, 2015
The Ramadan ...........................................
And the Statement of Allah, "O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you so that you may become Allah conscious." [V.2:183]
Narrated By Talha bin 'Ubaid-Ullah : A bedouin with unkempt hair came to Allah's Apostle and said, "O Prophet(SWS)! Inform me what Allah has made compulsory for me as regards the prayers." He replied: "You have to offer perfectly the five compulsory prayers in a day and night (24 hours), unless you want to pray Nawafil." The bedouin further asked, "Inform me what Allah has made compulsory for me as regards fasting." He replied, "You have to fast during the whole month of Ramadan, unless you want to fast more as Nawafil." The bedouin further asked, "Tell me how much Zakat Allah has enjoined on me." Thus, Allah's Apostle informed him about all the rules (i.e. fundamentals) of Islam. The bedouin then said, "By Him Who has honoured you, I will neither perform any Nawafil nor will I decrease what Allah has enjoined on me. Allah's Apostle said, "If he is saying the truth, he will succeed (or he will be granted Paradise)."
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Beauty of Bangladesh |
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